A commercial real estate lease is quite different from a residential lease. When you want to rent a commercial property, it is part of your business. You have completely different needs than you would if you were renting a space in which to live. This requires you to look at the lease for a commercial property in a different way.
The National Association of Realtors explains that you want to be sure the lease is fair and does not include anything that could cause you financial hardships in the future or put your business at risk. There are some terms and conditions that may not be very favorable to you. Often the landlord puts them in a lease to protect him or herself.
Common areas
The management of common areas is something to keep an eye on. These areas will impact your business but they may not be your responsibility. Sometimes, you may share the responsibility for them with other tenants, which can be a bad thing if the other tenants do not care as much as you do about the areas look.
Find out how utilities work. Sometimes a landlord will have only one meter for the whole building even though the building includes multiple business tenants. This requires the landlord figuring the bill for each tenant each month. It leaves room for errors and overcharges. So, make sure the utilities are separate or that you understand the division of costs.
You should always understand the total cost of your rent and what it covers and does not cover. Do not be afraid to negotiate and ask questions to clarify lease details.